trades unions

美 [treɪdz ˈjunjənz]英 [treɪdz ˈjuːnjənz]
  • n.工会
  • trades union的复数
trades unionstrades unions

trades unions


  • 1
    → see:trade union

  1. The government thought it could count on the support of the trades unions


  2. There is still much antagonism between trades unions and the oil companies


  3. The trades unions and management have been warring over pay for many months .


  4. We should initiate direct talks with the trades unions .


  5. He 's much given to sweeping statements about trades unions , foreigners and labouring women .


  6. His proposals for reform of the trades unions are unworkable and ill-judged .


  7. Anyone who works on Bank Holidays usually gets paid extra " timeandahalf " or even " double time ," negotiated for them by the Trades Unions .


  8. Hers was a different emphasis to Walters , who saw the curbing of bloody-minded trades unions as a useful side effect of privatisation .


  9. The trades unions are playing a waiting game-they won 't say whether they will order their members to stop work until the government has declared its own plans .


  10. So in 1884 , the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions met in Chicago and had one major demand : an eight-hour workday .


  11. In1881 , a Dutch immigrant cigarmaker named Samuel Gompers and some other leading craftsmen organized the Federation of organized trades and labor unions of the United States and canada & the predecessor of the American Federation of labor .
